Why doesn't it work for us?
The desire to have a child and see it grow up is deeply rooted in most people. If the wish then becomes concrete, it
is not so rare that the hoped-for pregnancy is a long time coming. There are reasons and causes why it doesn't
work the first time, but there are also ways in which you can possibly fulfill your desire to have children.
Waiting for the longed-for offspring can be very stressful.
In many cases, doubts, fears, and reproaches accompany this phase. Come to our practice before the pressure
gets too great. We take time for you and your personal story, clarify the causes and see whether and which
therapies are possible. If necessary, in cooperation with a fertility center
gets too great. We take time for you and your personal story, clarify the causes and see whether and which
therapies are possible. If necessary, in cooperation with a fertility center